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ECO RESOURCE Life-affirming color - a bet on immunity

Life-affirming color - a bet on immunity

On October 9, lovers of eggs, omelets and casseroles celebrated World Egg Day.

This holiday once again confirms that eggs are a universal, nutritious and healthy food, loved everywhere.

The assessment of the quality of the egg has long gone beyond the price and size. Today, the consumer wants to see more benefits even in such a familiar product.

Reference. Every year, the public organization of consumers of St. Petersburg "Public Control" selects the most useful chicken egg on the shelves of stores.

The main indicator is the level of carotenoids in the yolk*.

Not all poultry feed is rich in carotenoids, and in this case, you can only make up for their lack with special additives, such as "ECO GOLDEN" and "ECO RED".

 Being sources of natural xanthophylls, "ECO GOLDEN" and "ECO RED" have a positive impact on the growth, development and function of reproductive organs of birds, they also contribute to the enrichment yolk vitamin a, which, according to Edward Javadov, a specialist in the field of veterinary Virology and academician, "is synthesized by the human body due to carotenoids, and essential, as it affects vision, the integrity of the mucous membranes, strengthening the immune system".

The enrichment of poultry feed with carotenoids with additives "ECO GOLD" and "ECO RED" will allow you to get eggs with a given quality and new functional properties. Carotenoid pigments accumulate in the yolk of eggs and give a healthy and attractive color, and most importantly, useful properties that come to the fore for the buyer today when choosing an egg.

 Our experts will advise you on the use of feed additives "ECO GOLDEN" and "ECO RED", taking into account the diet and the requirements for the desired degree of yolk coloring, will give individual recommendations.

For more information and ordering samples, please contact our managers at 7 (812) 777-73-31.

* In St. Petersburg, experts have identified the most useful chicken egg

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