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Natural colours, coloring extracts and ingredients for food application
ECO RESOURCE Готовьте сани летом, а мороженое – зимой

Готовьте сани летом, а мороженое – зимой

Gastronomic experimenters are not asleep!  The survey showed that 47% of consumers would like to see unusual color and flavor combinations as novelties of ice cream.  

Blue, turquoise and light blue are among the leaders in fashionable colors in the coming season. The trend is also the most unusual flavors - manufacturers are already creating ice cream with cactus and taiga tea. And how do you like honeysuckle ice cream with sheep's milk mousse and lavender water?

We have selected some ice cream ideas with blue shades for you.

An explosion of summer sea spray and emotions, a beach mood is what a resident of a big city lacks in summer. The dream of plunging into the life-giving coolness can become a reality if you color the ice cream FOODCO G Sea wave. For such a solution, we recommend a flavorYlang -ylang.

Mint ice cream - sparkling and refreshing in the summer heat - is popular with those who know a lot about pleasure. Chocolate chips, brownie slices or Oreo cookies are a harmonious flavor and color addition for such a delicacy. Mint and menthol shades will help to create a dye MIHROM Turquoise in combination with flavoringPolar mint.

Inspiration and anticipation, lightness and playfulness – you can give these pleasant sensations to your consumers by adding ECOPLANT Blue extract in combination with Elderberry flavor to your ice cream. And for the daring and independent, young and taking life on board, the Chrysanthemum fragrance is ideal.

Be inspired by ideas, and we will help you implement them!


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